
The Society publishes a monthly magazine “Aurora”, free to Members and £2.50 where sold. Contributions are made by Members to the Editor (details below) and include articles on the past, current and future rail scene, not only local to the Stevenage area but nationally and internationally, too. Regular features are listing of forthcoming Society Meetings plus a review of recent Meetings, an Editorial, listing of Talks and Tours by other local Societies and Charters along the southern end of the GN Mainline. There is also “Logbook” which is a chronological recording of interesting train movements through the area observed by Members. Upcoming railwayana auctions and their results  are also reviewed in most editions. A seasonal quiz is a highlight of the December edition and the Editor lightens the mood in the April edition. Most photographic submissions are produced in colour and historical ones are monochrome.

An example of the magazine can be seen by clicking the link below:

Aurora March 2020 – download pdf

Aurora Editor: Barrie Woods, 54 Holts Lane, Poulton-le-Fylde, FY6 8HW, 01253 895377 or 07967 251090. E-mail:

Logbook Compiler: David Percival, 7 New Close, Knebworth SG3 6NU